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Hunter with hunting gear in an open field holding a hunting rifle.

8 Basic Tips for the Hunting Season

The hunting season is in full swing! Here are a few questions you might want to ask before you book a hunt. Answers to many questions will differ from one to another (especially as far as hunting ethics is concerned, which is hard to define, and definitions will differ from person to person). These are general guidelines of what to ask about. Only you will know what and what is not acceptable to you, so make sure you get your answers straight before making the first payment.

Hunter pointing his hunting rifle while aiming at a target during hunting season.

Hunting in fenced areas during the hunting season

Game ranching in South Africa has received some bad press coverage over the years but in reality, high fenced areas exist in more countries than just South Africa. High fenced properties are also found in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia. 

In most instances, these properties are high fenced to contain expensive and introduced species that are able to jump over a standard stock fence. These high fences help to secure the game ranchers investment and is a legal requirement to either be classified as a private hunting property (Botswana) or to prevent the spread of disease (hoof and mouth) and prevent dangerous animals from coming into contact with domestic stock on a neighboring farm for instance. 

In South Africa, a landowner with a high fence can be issued with an exemption permit that entitles you to hunt year round. In addition, stiffer sentences can be given to poachers arrested on this property. 

Hunting concession

In the African context, this normally refers to a huge designated unfenced land area for which the outfitter has the hunting rights. This concession (hunting lease) is normally bought on a tender process for a contractual period of time. 

The outfitter is responsible for the maintenance and management of the area, this includes anti-poaching patrols and community upliftment projects. This may be government land or community owned land. The lease fee is paid to the respective owner. Similarly a concession In the South African context normally refers to privately owned fenced game ranches that vary in size. Outfitter’s may have the sole rights and lease these areas on an annual basis or just use them on a day to day basis, paying for the animals they shoot.   

Do hunt fair chase

This is an issue often raised when hunting in South Africa during the hunting season. South Africa does have free-range hunting (no fences) and the majority of outfitters offer fair chase hunts. Once again this depends on your interpretation of hunting ethics. 

Although you may be hunting in a high fenced area in South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique or Zimbabwe, these hunts are classified as fair chase when the animal has an opportunity to escape from the hunter. The hunting technique will ultimately determine if the hunt is fair chase or not. 

Styles of hunting a safari  

Various hunting techniques will be used during the hunting season; the most common being driving around in a pick up until a suitable trophy is sighted. Some provinces in South Africa allow the animal to be shot from the back of the truck. However, the norm and law in the majority of countries and some provinces in South Africa, is to hunt walk-and-stalk on foot. 

Many stipulate that no animal may be hunted within 200 meters of a vehicle. Depending on the species and area, this may also include tracking, glassing from vantage points, driven hunts and shooting from a blind or raised platform in the case of bow hunters. 

Success rate

A success rate is used to describe the successful hunting rate of a species with particular reference to the more rare and difficult animals to hunt during the hunting season.g. leopard, bongo, etc. Hunting would not be described as fair chase if it’s 100% successful – in other words, had a 0% probability of failure, because that would mean the animal hasn’t got a chance. 

Shooting distance 

This obviously varies according to the terrain. In densely wooded areas this ranges from 60 -150 meters/yards and in the desert and mountain regions this could be 300-400 meters/yards. Shooting distances are limited to the client’s capabilities.  

Hunter kneeling beside a kudu on a hunting trip.

Weather conditions during the hunting season

The cold, windy conditions experienced when a cold front moves over the country do affect some species. Some species, like Nyala and Kudu just seem to disappear as if they buried themselves in a hole. When these types of conditions prevail, the hunting will be concentrated on other species that either live in the open grasslands or do not take cover in the thick bush. 

Hunt at night during the hunting season

Hunting at night on a high fenced South African game ranch is legal but in most countries, hunting at night is strictly illegal during the hunting season. Where night hunting is legal, outfitters may charge an additional fee. This is to cover additional fuel usage and cover the additional hours worked by the staff. 

Written by Bookyourhunt

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